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Road Repair

2022 Road Paving

During street and/or sidewalk construction, you may not have access to your driveway, especially if you have a low to the ground vehicle.  Please note we are not responsible for damage to your vehicle. The process of re- paving includes the milling of the old road, an application of a primer material and new asphalt. The primer material, when first applied, can spray off car tires onto your car. We will make an effort to apply this primer after peak travel time.

Please use caution and reduce your speed if you must drive on the primed surface.  Your patience is greatly appreciated.

It is important that vehicles are removed from the street during working hours so we can complete this project. PLEASE NOTE: vehicles parked on the street where construction is being done may be towed at owners’ expense.

The major focus for 2022 will be the repair and renovation of the section of Collins Road between Grove Road and Plainfield Road. This project will include repaving and major ditch work along the road.


Approximately 1,000 square yards of patching will be done on other roads throughout the district where deemed necessary.