Oswego Township Teams up with the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office to Provide Light Bulbs to Boulder Hill Residents.
Oswego Township and the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office has teamed up to provide high efficient LED light bulbs to the residents of Boulder Hill to light the outside of their homes in an effort to prevent crime. We hope that something as simple as illumination of a home’s exterior will help prevent anyone from becoming a victim of crime. The furnishing of the light bulbs will help provide added safety for our citizens.
The free LED light bulbs can be picked up starting Tuesday February 27, 2018 through Thursday between 8:30am and 3:30pm every week while supplies last at the township office located at 84 Templeton Drive in Oswego. Light bulbs will also be available on Saturday March 10 and March 17, 2018 between 10am and 12pm at 89 Boulder Hill Pass, Montgomery IL. Once you have picked up your LED light bulb we encourage residents to keep the porch lights on during the evening hours.
If you know of any senior citizens or residents with physical limitations without transportation please contact Deputy Dan Briars at 630-553-7500 ext 1133 or email dbriars@co.kendall.il.us prior to March 10 to arrange a delivery date for light bulbs.